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Application of industrial routers in the monitoring of base stations in unattended computer rooms

The computer room is the core of the information communication system, ensuring the safe and stable operation of information communication and computer systems. 

The prerequisite for this is to ensure that the environmental system, power monitoring, security system, and fire protection system of the computer room must be in a normal and stable state at all times. If an accident occurs, it will cause unimaginable consequences to the computer room. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the environment, power, security and other systems of the computer room in real time, and discover the hidden hazards in the computer room in time and deal with them in time. 

Industrial routers is applied to the monitoring of unattended computer room base stations. Through its own IO interface, UPS power supply, air conditioning, temperature and humidity, water immersion, smoke detection, access control, battery, camera and other data are uploaded to the unity using 4G or Ethernet. The management platform is truly unattended. 

Industrial routers stand as pivotal components in enabling seamless wireless connectivity and communication across various sectors like manufacturing, transportation, and energy. They are instrumental in amplifying the efficiency, productivity, quality, and adaptability of industrial operations. Furthermore, they facilitate remote access, data transmission, network oversight, and safeguarding of industrial devices. Their utility extends to supporting extensive data gathering and analysis, essential for producing operational intelligence, heightened situational awareness, and predictive analytics.


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