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Benefits of VoIP

Perhaps the biggest benefit for replacing your POTS Line with VoIP is the remarkable reduction in monthly costs that you’ll see. This price is not only much lower on average, but it also is fixed. This means that you will have more money in your pocket at the end of the month to put back into other areas of the building. If cost wasn’t enough of an advantage to switching to VoIP, there is also the convenience of keeping track of your elevator’s activity.

Since VoIP works through the internet, it can allow for consistent monitoring of your elevator. Once you switch from your POTS line to technology like MAX Link, you’ll be able to utilize digital services that improve building management. Benefits like tracking your elevator and getting real-time updates help to maximize your uptime and keep tenants happy. Not only will you have a trustworthy elevator phone, but you’re also getting a data-driven system to prevent downtime. This type of up-to-date technology comes in handy and ensures reliability.

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