Tech Upgrade due to corroded and less functioning lines.
If you look at how long copper lines have been installed over the years, nobody, not even the carriers have regularly maintained these fixtures. If a copper POTS line which is now dubbed for replacement has been installed in a retail building for 30, 40, 50 years, how often have you seen the carrier come onsite to make sure it’s working properly? Chances are never unless it was brought down by a storm. Over time these lines might get wet from rain or snow, college vast amounts of dust in the panel they terminate in a basement or other unsavory environments. This might lead to issues with the line itself working properly when needed. Your internet connection for your business essentially has a test pretty regularly either via monitoring tools or just simply trying to surf the web. You will know if it’s up or down pretty quickly. In that same vein, how many times per day do you test the fire alarm, burglar or elevator line if the POTS line works? The elevator line is probably only tested when it needs recertification or if there is an emergency.
